Save up to 34% with annual prices
For individual users to upload their own drone data for visualisation, and request PAYG processing.
/ month per user
1 user
Create a free account
1 gb free storage included
PAYG Processing
5 maps per month / 1000 images per map
Upload drone data for visualisation
Visualise drones' map location and orientation
Annotate and draw on maps & images via lines, polygons and markers
Publicly share missions
E-mail & chat support
For small teams looking to visualise their drone data, collaborate, and provide insights to their network.
/ month per user
2-5 users
Create a free account
All the Free plan features plus:
100 gb free storage included
PAYG Processing 10% discount
Unlimited maps per month  / 1000 images per map
Manage your team with role types and permissions
Real time collaboration tools
Exportable PDF & CSV reports
Privately share missions
For bigger teams that need to scale aerial intelligence within their organisation.
/ month per user
6+ users
Create a free account
All the Basic plan features plus:
500 gb free storage included
PAYG Processing 20% discount
Unlimited maps per month  / 3000 images per map
Custom branded workspace
Import and export individual shapefiles
RTK Processing
Add-on: Use our qualified drone pilot network to schedule a capture
For larger organisations with custom, enterprise-grade requirements.
Let’s talk
/ month per user
As many as needed
Create a free account
All the Pro plan features plus:
Unlimited storage
Processing included
Unlimited maps and images
Use our qualified drone pilot network to schedule a capture
Industry-specific reports
Personalised onboarding
Phone support
Add-on: Bespoke SSO
For individual users to upload their own drone data for visualisation, and request PAYG processing.
/ month per user
1 user
Create a free account
1 gb free storage included
PAYG Processing
5 maps per month / 1000 images per map
Upload drone data for visualisation
Visualise drones' map location and orientation
Annotate and draw on maps & images via lines, polygons and markers
Publicly share missions
E-mail & chat support
For small teams looking to visualise their drone data, collaborate, and provide insights to their network.
/ month per user
2-5 users
Create a free account
All the Free plan features plus:
100 gb free storage included
PAYG Processing 10% discount
Unlimited maps per month  / 1000 images per map
Manage your team with role types and permissions
Real time collaboration tools
Exportable PDF & CSV reports
Privately share missions
For bigger teams that need to scale aerial intelligence within their organisation.
/ month per user
6+ users
Create a free account
All the Basic plan features plus:
500 gb free storage included
PAYG Processing 20% discount
Unlimited maps per month  / 3000 images per map
Custom branded workspace
Import and export individual shapefiles
RTK Processing
Add-on: Use our qualified drone pilot network to schedule a capture
For larger organisations with custom, enterprise-grade requirements.
Let’s talk
/ month per user
As many as needed
Create a free account
All the Pro plan features plus:
Unlimited storage
Processing included
Unlimited maps and images
Use our qualified drone pilot network to schedule a capture
Industry-specific reports
Personalised onboarding
Phone support
Add-on: Bespoke SSO